The Directors of SDS and its management team are committed to ensuring a safe, supportive, protective and healthy working environment for our employees, customers, contractors and any others who may be affected by the conduct of our activities. We are committed to the prevention of work related accidents, injury and ill health.
To meet this commitment, it is our policy to:
- Implement and maintain an effective Health and Safety Management System which aligns with the legal obligations placed on us by the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974;
- Identify potential hazards by appropriate risk assessment and implement control measures to reduce the associated risks;
- Comply with legal requirements, responsibilities and obligations under the relevant health and safety legislation together with any relevant codes of practice and guidance. Other industry specific requirements will also be taken into account;
- Provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks to health and safety through the reporting of accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences;
- Ensure competent operation and maintenance of plant, equipment and vehicles;
- Hold employees, supervisors and management accountable for the safety of personnel in their charge;
- Communicate with employees on a regular basis regarding matters of health and safety;
- Provide information, instruction and training as necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees;
- Appoint persons for the provision of First Aid;
- Continually strive to improve our Health and Safety Management System in order to improve the health and safety performance of our company;
It is the responsibility of all our employees, customers, contractors and visitors on company premises to take reasonable care for the health & safety of yourself and others whilst at work.
This Policy is reviewed for continuing suitability during each review of the Health and Safety Management System or earlier if required.
This Policy is supported by further policies and procedures within our Health and Safety Management System
Managing Director
Specialist Ducting Supplies Limited
1st June 2024